Monday, May 10, 2010

Chasing the Sun

I grabbed my camera this morning and headed down Great Portland Street, looking for the sun on the faces of the buildings, or wanting to see it glint from name plates or off of the windows of cars.

Probably I would be well off to go out and read some chapter in a photography book to see what to do with the sun.

That will be the next step trying to use this camera. I see people put their hand held cameras in front of themselves and take a picture.

The best I can do so far is to get a picture of the back of my head.

I must be missing something important about positioning.

I have been out to Tonia's blog, studying the first four principles of photography that she learned in her new class.

I had forgotten the piece about taking pictures from different angles until Tonia reminded me on her blog.
So I tried to get close to pictures, or well underneath them, or catch some anachronism -- an old building with a new crane at its side.

No use saying it, but London at 7 am with a camera in my hand is a lot of fun. Tomorrow I am going to wear a glove on the hand that gets cold, keep the other one on the new buttons I am learning to use and keep my eye on the sun again.


1 comment:

  1. Keep taking pictures Arta! The hobby has turned into a fantastic set of work. Love this stone woman with part if her face covered. We shall compare more pics later.


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