Monday, September 20, 2010

Eye Surgery: the grabber and the tarragon

Modern surgery made it possible for me to get a new lens with only local freezing in my eye. I was sent home with medication and instructions not to bend from the waist, nor to pick up anything heavier than five pounds. I also have some terrific sun glasses to wear, making me look very Hollywood.

Kelvin gave me an aid he has used to pick up items on the floor: a grabber. The grabber worked perfectly for me the first time I used it, but on the second day I couldn't get it to work no matter how much pressure I put on the handle. I tried to scoop up an article of clothing, but when the fabric slipped off numberous times I gave up and went to Kelvin.

"Could you please fix this."

"If you turn it around and use the other end, you will find I won't have to do anything to it," he said.

Because I can't bend over, the weeds in the flower beds at the back of the house have not only a head start on me, but may be taking over. Kelvin attacked the tallest ones. I wasn't all that happy when I saw the tarragon bush laying on the cement along with the noxious weeds.

"I will buy you a new one in the spring," he said.

"Replanting the old one will do," I replied. "We have yet to have a frost and still have Indian Summer to experience, so I think the roots will be fine. They just need to be grounded again."

So, two points for Kelvin -- he instructed me on how to use the grabber, and my tarragon is safely back in the ground.

One point for me -- my right eye has a new lens and my left eye will catch up with the right on October 8th.



  1. I love your trying the grabber upside down. That is something I would do without having just had eye surgery.

    Arta, you insinuated that the Sicamous Summer Reading contest was not fair given that David Doral has two former academics for parents. David loves the triceratops stuffy he won for being the overall winner. He sat through a LOT of books for that prize.

    David Doral will be participating in a rhyming words challenge at school - name as many words as you can think of that rhyme with "cat". With fairness in mind .... Although it is hard for his mother not to google all possible answers and then start peppering them in her everyday conversation with him, she will resist.

  2. What will you read first once both eyes are all lensed up?

  3. Tonia?

    Where have you been. I know. I know. You have been in classes, but I miss your daily blogs.

    In answer to your question, what will I read first when I have two good eyes again -- I will try to read every book in the bibliography of my new film text by Dennis Bingham called "Whose Lifes Are They, Anyway?"

    In between reading those books I will try to see all of the filmed biographies that he refers to on the pages of his book.

    How geeky is that?


  4. Bonnie?

    In regards to peppering David with all of the sounds that rhyme with cat that you can find on Google?

    Go for it!

    I only wish Google and Wickipedia had existed when I was raising my children.



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