Monday, October 18, 2010

Zoe and the Winter Club

Oct 18, 2010

I’ve never been to the winter club before. Their site is at the top of Nose Hill and they have a view of the mountains, the foothills and the plains that scans the horizon for a full 180 degrees. Absolutely breathtaking.

Zoe has been to the winter club before, knew how to sign herself in and get through the gated door on her own. So she was already lost as far as I was concerned by time I did the above. I had a hard time finding the curling rink on my own so that I could catch up to the person I was supervising.

Zoe’s coach is also the head coach: Linda Price, who sorted out the teams for the year, sent the older athletes on their way to their respective sheets and then she told the newer curlers what to wear, and gave them a demonstration of the look of the game before beginning their warm ups.

Having never curled (OK, once, 48 years ago, and now having no recall) I listened in. Even took notes. Thought to myself, you know, we are going to practise up on these terms so she will have them in her lexicon this year:
The Hack: what you put your foot in to push off
Sheet of Ice – every sheet has 2 ends and it is the piece of ice on which you play
House: that round circle on the ice
Hog Line: in front of house and you must let your rock go before it reaches the hog line
Rock / Curling Stone: They are 40 pounds and you don’t want to pick one up.
Handle: each rock has one
Bonspiel: curling tournament
Curling head band: the athletes can buy one at cost from Tuxedo – Source for Sports
Curling brush / broom: you sweep hard because that melts the ice in front of the rock
Crutch / delivery assistant: helps you keep your balance when you deliver the rock
I am deliverying these words to Zoe-lovers, for I learned another new word on Friday when I went to the lecture on animals rights:non-malevolence.

Dr. Beachamps said it once, said it twice, on the the next time, I began to practise it in my mind, and was doing so every time afterward that it rolled off of his lips. That is the first new word I have had to practise in my mind to get ready for it to spin out of my mouth at the appropriate moment. There is a difference for me in reading a word and knowing its meaning, and having it easily slip into conversation. Now that I have nonmalevolence down pat, I am going to work on delivery assistant, bonspiel, hog line, house, and hack.

I actually wanted to try curling myself. I wrote down the exercises, because while I think I could get my foot down in the hack and push off, I might not be able to get up after I had delivered the rock. I just wanted to give it one try.

I asked Zoe if we should buy a headband, but she gave me a black look and retorted, my hair looks fine. “no, no, I mean one of those that curlers use to stop the blow of the ice on the back of their heads if they should fall.”

Her look was still black. I thought, well, $30 saved there.

I couldn’t give it up. When we got home and she was laying on her bed, I laid beside her and said, “Hey, any interest yet in that headband.” Her face lit up. “Yes.”
That is what I don’t get, no matter how many times I am with her: how long it takes between when I begin an exchange and she finally answers it.

Has anyone else taken the handibus with Zoe, somewhere? Did you know that we are all seatbelted in and our arm rests are secured. Or that caregivers go free and companions have to pay a bus ticket? Or that Zoe knows to ask the driver, “Am I on your list. I am Zoe.” Or that there is music playing for us on the bus, sometimes. Or that the driver runs his route by a GPS? Or that the other passengers on the bus tell him where Zoe’s house is, so he will know which side of the street to let her off on. Or that they all know who she is and say hello to her, no matter how many times she doesn’t respond to their greeting.

I watched an interchange between Zoe and a bus driver as we left the Winter Club and were looking for a ride on the concourse outside.

Zoe: (Face lights up when she sees the driver and she looks at me questioningly. I notice the driver is watching us.)
Arta: I don’t know if that is our bus. Go ask the driver.
Zoe: (Stands in front of driver and is silent. Driver just looks at her.)
Driver:(Finally) Do you have a question?
Zoe: (Nods but is silent)
Driver: OK, you should ask it.
Zoe: (After a long pause) Am I on your list?
Driver: I don’t know. What is your name?
(Zoe gives her name very quickly for this is an answer she is sure of.)
Driver: No. I am picking up Stephen. You are not on my list.
Zoe: (Shoulders go down and she turns and walks away.)
Driver (calls after her): But I know who you are and I can still remember where you live.

How sweet was that?


1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing Aunt! Grateful for the small gestures of kindness people provide us. As for curling, I have been thinking about joining a league here but I need to write a thesis. This thesis thing is really cutting into my social time. (Don't tell my parents I said that :) )


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