Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Thomas told me that I am looking very tired. He is not the only one to say that.

After about 15 such messages from other people, I said to Kelve, “People are telling me I look tired, but you know very well that I could walk the legs off of you. I have so much energy. Still, for some reason, I am looking tired.”

“I agree. You could walk me into the ground. And ... you do look tired,” he said.

“Well, Wyona told me that I look tired and she said to go get some concealer to take that look of weariness out of the bags under your eyes. Oh, maybe it is that you don’t wear glasses anymore,” she continued, “and people are seeing you in a new way – but still – get some make-up -- concealer would do.”

Thus, I stopped by the cosmetic counter at London Drugs, yesterday. I said to the clerk, “Just take a look at my face and sell me the concealer that is going to take away this tired look.”

She got very close.

She touched the skin under my eyes.

She stared a little more and then said, “Your skin tones are fine. I can’t sell you anything that will help. What it looks like is that you have blood pooling under your eyes and you should see your optometrist about that.”

Ah hah!

My two cataract operations.

The trade-off for having the operations ... bruising under my eyes ... that will leave by the end of December, if I am lucky.

When I went to visit Wyona yesterday, she had just come home from shopping.

“Hey,” she said, “I bought you some concealer today.”


1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha! The balance of beauty and being happy the way we are. A tough one. Perhaps you should just use make-up that will allow you to create the same bruise type colours all around your eyes, you could start wearing all black and call yourself goth. Could be easier!


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