Saturday, February 4, 2012

Art in the churches and streets

I was exploring a village with Alex. When we saw the small church, I was willing to pass by it, since his interests aren't that deep around religion.

He however insisted that we go in.

We moved up and down the isles, exploring the visuals in the statues and paintings.

I took out my camera at this wooden molding that decorated a painting on the wall.

The religious art in my community doesn't have visual metaphors around purgatory. Perhaps the newness and my proximity to wood and the light and the colour drew me to this one.

...  a shop window ...
... I can't stop myself from lingering at such sights ...
Instead of being drawn to windows where clothes and jewellery are displayed, I am always lingering at the windows of restaurants or grocery stores.

At one such window, Moiya, Alex and I were nose to nose with the pane, having moved away from looking at the fish and now looking at the skinned rabbits that were hanging there.  I felt like what seemed to be a crowd of people pressing against me.

Having all the time in the world, I stepped back and said to the only two girls behind me, "Please, come forward and take a good look."  My hand was outstretched, giving them the chance to feast on the window delights as I had been doing.

"No, no," they said. We are fine.  We don't need to get that close."

"I insist," I said, stepping back another foot and making even a larger gesture. "The window is beautiful and should be enjoyed by all."

They shook their heads, ducked to the side of us, tightened their coats and disappeared around a corner faster than I could process what had gone on there.

Since only the 3 of us were at the window, what reason would they have had to be pressing up against us, unless they had light fingers.

Another touristic moment enjoyed in retrospect.

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