Saturday, February 25, 2012

Art Sticker Book

Art Sticker Book
Rebecca purchased an Art Sticker Book at the National Gallery. I have been using it while she was gone, as a way for Duncan to earn money. All he has to do is put the stickers on the right page, memorize five of the painting on that page, and he earns five pounds.

One page in the book was titled "Colour" and what the paintings had in common is that the artists used bold splashes of colour to brighten up the painting. The  pages included the following titles: "Bathers at Amieres (Seurat)", "Cacchus and Ariadne (Titian)", "Harvest: Le Pouldu (Gaugin)", "Ophelia Among the Flowers (Seurat)" and "The Skiff (Renoir)". 

So far Duncan is up to 17 pounds, since after the first 3 pages, the price for identifying the paintings dropped from 5 pounds a page to 2 pounds a page.

Rebecca was remembering the past at our house, not in terms of making money, but she was thinking about a game we used to play that is now out of print. The board game was called Masterpiece. In the game you were at an art auction and you bought and sold masterpieces.  As a side event to the game, she learned many of the names of the famous paintings she is now seeing in the National Gallery.

With some nostalgia, she went out to Google to see if anyone was selling their old game.  She put a bid in on one of them.

I think she should just go down to the National Gallery and enjoy them on the wall.


1 comment:

  1. Charise pulled out an old sticker album from her childhood this Christmas. I think she uses the stickers on a regular basis to decorate drab books and other paper holders. Low and behold there were my scratch-n-sniff stickers from the 1980's in her collection. As it turns out, I bequeathed them to her when I decided, as a teenager, that I was too mature and cool for stickers. We scratched them up and many of them still smelled. Do you remember pickle, cinnamon, vanilla, and cherry? All there with their little associated drawings. I am with Charise, I still love stickers!


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