Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Growing Grass

 single blade of grass, now germinated (seen horizontal below finger)
note the size of the root compared to the green sprout at right end
My water line to the stream broke and was fixed by Dave, Knute and Glen. I had the job of raking the dirt and throwing down new grass. As Bonnie and David Camps raked with me, I talked to him.

"Glen said that if I get the seeds laid down soon enough, they will start to grow, getting a head start for next year. They will germinate, then grow to be little boys. Some will even get to the size of teen-agers. Then they will go to sleep for the winter, but when they wake up, they will have had a head-start, will be teen-agers already and can get to adulthood faster, blah, blah, blah."

I had forgotten all of that idle chatter when Bonnie told me a few days ago that David has seen the germination.  He told her that the some of the grass is already the size of little boys. It took her a while to find out where he was getting his metaphor from.
low camera shot of growing grass in the clay

Because I wanted to know if the grass had sprouted, I asked GLen.

"The only way to tell is by getting low," he said, dropping to his knees, then putting his shoulder to the ground, then his head side-ways, scanning the low horizen.

"Nope," it hasn't happened yet.

A few days later, I, too, dropped to the ground and saw the grass beginning to grow.

What a grand test! We are talking about seeing grass srpout November 15th.   Annis Bay, a lovely place to live.



  1. The fact that it's growing in clay is pretty awesome too! How nice to still be doing yard work this late in the year. As I looked at out backyard this morning, with everything covered in snow, I realized the chance to do all the last-minute tasks had expired. Oh well.
    When you talk about David and David, how do you differentiate between the big David and little David?

  2. Hi Stacey,

    You made me laugh with the comment that your chance to do yard work has expired. Out here, though we can still do yard work, we are now in the period when there is a "use (or do) best before" date. And that might apply to the grapevines Glen me to weave into wreaths. Iffy now, if they will even bend -- but I am going to give that a try -- even though doing the work when they were more flexible would have been a good idea. Now I may have to soak them all in the tub before they bend. Sounding a bit messy, right?

    As to the three Davids? I have struggled with that too. David, The Old? David, the Young? But what about the one in the middle.

    David Alfred? David Lorne? David Doral? Will people even know them by that name? Sometimes David Wood makes me laugh because when I ask him what he wants me to call him to differentiate him from the other two he says Sir. Then a small smile crosses his face.

    As of this month, there are two Anneliesses -- one a Bates and one a Robertson.

    Come to think of it -- two Staceys -- Wood and Mangum..

    Celeste Wyora, Nora Wyora, Heather Wyora. At least that makes it easier -- double names in the second name. And there are probably more of those. And plenty of Dorals in the second name place as well -- Brendan Doral, David Doral ....





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