Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Costco Connection

This is a question as to whether this is easier to eat horizontally ...
Miranda, Alice, Michael and I took a trip to Costco.

Michael knew right where we were going when we turned right at the light on Shaganappi.

“Hot dog?”, he asked his mother.

 ...or is it easier to eat vertically? ...
He wanted more than his hot dog.

He also wanted the ice cream cone Miranda had purchased for herself.

Once the eating experience was done we took to shopping.

... this hunk is a little too large for my mouth ...
He walked with me.

More accurately, he ran with me.

He is quick and can dart between the carts and move up and down the aisles, stopping when he sees a Christmas decoration down low or a neon sign that is lit up.

Cone: $2.00   /   Satisfaction Factor: $20.00
He was especially fond of the small restaurant sign that is for sale at Costco.

OPEN in big neon pink letters – he was entranced by the beauty of that sign.

He stopped to hug a large red fiber glass Santa and studied from afar a carrot-nosed snowman.

 ... happiness is found in a long slow lick ...
We played for a while in some motorized cars – only $246, each.

Two little girls had stopped to play with the cars as well.

Their family was more anxious to move on than Michael and I were.

... baby Alice gets neither frankfurter or a cone ... just the baby finger
We were just hanging out until Miranda was through shopping.

There is a low silver refrigeration unit that runs around the freezer units.

The pipes are round and silver.

... test driving the motorcycle at Costco ...
Michael propped himself against them, or run along beside them, running his hand over the corrugations.

Around and around he went.

A man pushing a cart burst out laughing.

“Look at his little hand!”

... Hi snowman.  I love you. ...
Yes, it was as silver as could be.

Part of the total shopping experience at Costco.


1 comment:

  1. David laughed so hard when reading this post. He loved that the question was whether to eat the hotdog vertically or horizontally.


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