Wednesday, January 3, 2018

More good words ...

Its a film extravaganza for us in Montreal! 

Catie, Rebecca, Thomas and I went to see The Greatest Showman at the local theatre yesterday.  That was our afternoon entertainment.

We didn’t care if the reviews are bad. We went to see the mix of a biopic and the musical.

For Hebe the rules are changed.
Anyway that she can get people to
say the word is a good way for her.
We played The Word Game in the early evening and I laughed until the muscles in my stomach were in a tight knot.

Eric wondered why he was so tense after the game.

I have my own idea of the correct answer.

Six competitive people around the table — not one of us even wants to come second!

Catie is always wanting to put medical terms into the mix. 

I tell her that medical terms aren't going to work. 

If a word is only found in a medical dictionary, or a legal dictionary or a chemistry dictionary, we shouldn't use it.  But then we allow people to put in any word they want.  I just give warnings.

And when they are putting words into the mix, Eric always reminds them that they might be the one to pick that word out and no one else at the table will know what it means.

Hebe had put Cozy Babe into the word game.
So she popped up to show it when the
other team was trying to get the word.
But the rules are flexible.

In the end you can add any word you want.

Catie added membrane which was a hard word and she picked it out.  Go figure.  I guess that the chances are 1 in 6 (if 6 people are playing).

Eric added polyglot and then as fate would have it, he picked the word out not once but twice and couldn't get his team to say it.

A good thing about the game is that we sometimes stop to learn a new word.

Eric says that polyglot is a word that is used in his profession, when speaking of a person who can speak several languages.  The only person who I know who can speak several languages in the family is Joaquim.

Another word which brought an argument was zamboni.  Most of the people at the table thought it was spelled with a final "i".  Eric was sure that it was an e.    The rest of us kept to our position, but he asked someone to look up the spelling.  When we did and found that there is a word, zambone, we read the definition, and this was one of the times when I laughed so hard I thought I was going to cry.

As Eric reminded me in an email, "Hebe was the funniest of all - she was playing with her dolls on the floor under the table end while we played the word game. Once in a while, when no one knew the answer, she would shout it out from nowhere - hilarious - and another time she put her hands up from the table edge to show us the answer to another one of the words she had put in!!"

Thomas has been waiting all of the holidays to watch The Shawshank Redemption so again, into the early hours of the morning we saw film. Eric told us that some people say this is the greatest film of all time.  I saw it on TV once, but just came into the show at the midd.  Now I have a complete viewing.
... the aftermath of pieces of paper with words
that have been identified ...

On other matters, I thought we were on holidays, but it would appear that this is the normal pace of life in this house.

Catherine went to work yesterday even though she was sick. There was a blackout during the early afternoon at her clinic. “I was giving vaccinations in the dark.”

I think she over exaggerated, but there is always a piece of me that worries she might be telling the truth.



  1. how was The Greatest Showman? i will also be going to see it. Duncan and I went back for another viewing of "Loving Vincent" tonight. it made me a bit more weepy the second time.

  2. I liked something about The Greatest Showman that I think put other people off. That is, the feel of the "set". For a long time film has tried to be more realistic. In this film there is more of a feel for fantasy and I am not sure people like it. I did.

    What I didn't like about the show is that I fell asleep in it. I was just too tired. What I didn't like about falling asleep is that Catie, Thomas and Rebecca had a discussion as to whether to wake me up or not. Sheesh! Always try to wake me. There is no question about it. I can sleep when I am dead.

  3. As to Loving Vincent, I don't know if I told you are not, that Catie and I went to see the show. She had been there this summer, right to the spot where he died, so the reality of it was fresh for her, and she got to see the same thing, now done in pics.

    I thought this was the hardest of all of the gallery series that I have seen. I wasn't expecting the hand drawn photos and it took me a while to like it. I will go a second time as well, if I see it shown somewhere. Right now we are between showings of anything -- no opera, no NT Live, no gallery, no ballet. A wasteland for the next 2 weeks.


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