Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Reprise on Samson and Dalila -- Saint-Saëns

Photo: Sara Krulwich/The New York Times
Some, but not all of us are going to the reprise of the Saint-Saëns  opera this Saturday.  Others in the Brooks household are constrained by work schedules, birthday parties and helping to make sets for a junior high Aladdin Jr. production.

Mary and I were reading the newspaper articles tonight about the show.

There is a bite behind the NY Times review of Samson and Dalilah.

I am still going to see the show.

I went out to hear the song from Act II which brings down the house for me:  “Mon coeur s’ouvre à ta voix,

All hail Saint-Saëns, no matter what the reviewer says.



  1. thanks for the link. i went out an listened to the song. beautiful!

  2. The reviewer said he wanted to hear more willingness in her voice. Now what I posted on you tube was 5 years old. So I went back to the review and found that the Met had posted its own version of her singing the song. We get the updated costuming -- the staging -- it is all there. What a gift, the internet.


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