Tuesday, June 18, 2019

In Memorium: Betty Sabey 1928 - June 16, 2019

Photo Credit: Bill Sabey

Betty Sabey

Photo Credit: Bill Sabey

A celebration of the life of Betty Sabey was held in her garden, as she wished.

 All of her children and her grandchildren attended as well as many of her Vancouver friends.


  1. I'm grateful to Bill for sharing these photos. I love imagining Aunt Betty, Uncle Ralph, and the kids spending time, in this yard, with laughter and conversation.

  2. I used to like to email Betty about the antics of the Betty Johnson who is my grandchild (Richard's 3 year old). I would send Betty Sabey candid's of 3 year old Betty: make-up she had done herself, her beautiful blonde hair (matted at the back so badly it was impossible to untangle), rolled eyes and the beginning of a raspberry, etc. Betty would email me back about her beloved twins and even send pictures of her blue rhododendron tree. I will miss those email conversations.


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