Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Kitchen Table by Joy Harjo

My friend sent me this charming poem by Joy Harjo.

... my kitchen island ...

1. Rebecca's clay necklaces with daisy's as imprints

2. wooden bowls show examples of a child's collection
of igneous, metaphorphic and sedimentary rocks

3. mango to be put in Miranda's Thai Peanut Salad
Take a look at it if you have time.

I am reminded of the difference between the inside of the house and the outside. 

I think of all of things a person can do just around a table, as I am reading it.

Then I think of the gift of the outside of the house -- since it is raining I am thinking about the smell of the wet trees and the smell of the mist in the air. 

I am looking at the clouds in the sky and thinking about how all of this, somehow gets brought to the kitchen table at the end of the day.

A lovely day here at the Shuswap.


1 comment:

  1. And so my brother sends me a new word he thinks may interest me: petrichor. He is right. A word for me, coined in 1964 about the smell that comes with rain after a dry period.

    I love words.


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