Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Wiggley Tooth

... and thus endeth the tooth pulling event ...
I can describe a temptation like no other. The first is to a certain kind of adult who is willing to let a child who has a loose tooth, bite his finger as hard as she wishes. Richard is that kind of adult. Alice’s tooth was so loose that it seemed as though the smallest of bites would have the tooth come out.  And so he offered her this chance of a lifetime.

The second kind of person who feels a different temptation is a six year old who, when her father tells her she can bite his finger as hard as she wishes, even though she knows it may put extra pressure on her tooth, is still willing to take the challenge of biting someone’s finger as hard as she wishes.

And then there is the third kind of person. A mom who is willing to tie a string around a tooth that is now only hanging onto a gum by something that is so small no one can see it.

And so Alice looses her second baby tooth.


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