Monday, November 11, 2019

Pick Your Own Treat Run

... find a recipe from the past ...
The Johnson's Manna from Heaven book
Late at night when it was time to begin playing board games Rebecca called Duncan and Alex to the car saying, “A treat run first. To 7-11 or would you like to run in and out of Save-On foods”.

The boys choose the grocery store.

On entering all of us headed in different directions and down the grocery isle of their choice.

I picked up 3 pounds of butter (since we have been buying it pound by pound and I wanted to get ahead), the largest bag of chocolate chips I could find ($5 off so it was a deal), and some apples and some oranges.

... drop the cookies on the tray ...
... take your toes out of the picture next time ...
The plus is I knew we were out of onions, and though not a treat per se, they feel like a treat if I can find one when I think I am out of them.

 So those were in my cart.

I began to pass the Alex, Duncan and Rebecca as I walked up and down the isles.

Rebecca had put apples and oranges in her grocery cart, so I put mine back on the shelves.

Alex had bought butter and onions as well, so I put mine back.

Duncan had a large bag of chocolate chips from the bulk bin isle, so I put mine back. I came out of the store, empty handed. The mint flavoured chocolate chips were the best find ever for him!

... eat while warm ...
Duncan has been adding the to the grocery list each time we go out: “mint chocolate chips”.

I am sure we bought some last year, but I can never find them on the shelves and always come home empty handed telling him that I have made major searches in the baking isle.

Now he finds them in the bulk section. I should be inserting some happy faces and hearts here, just to let people know how glorious it is to have mint chocolate chips when making the old family special, banana chip cookies.

What a nutty treat run!

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