Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Two Grandmothers

Moiya and Wyona spent some time during the holidays together.

.... just when I think I have one of everything that Wyona has,
I walk around her house and find that no, 

I don't have one of everything ...
First of all, the Woods stayed with the Bates during the December 16 – 19th LaRue vs Robertson Court Case (pluse days on either side for preparation.

Then Moiya and David came back after Christmas for May Way’s Wedding and they stayed with Wyona again..

On one of those days Moiya and Wyona made a three-way call to Betty Johnson, the first time she has ever spoken to two people on the other end of the line.

They sang for her in a post-modern way, one of them singing just one semi-tone and one half of a beat behind the other – which takes a lot of work on their part since singing that way is not their default.

During the rests in the music, the long rests, they told her they were having a party and could she come over.

She said yes and when.

... decorations for the Chinese New Year ...
They said to each other, “Whoops, how are we going to back up on this, especially when Betty told her mother that there was a party and she was invited over."

They told her that the party would be later and then they laughed, knowing they had to make good.

Moiya left town.

Wyona is leaving for Ottawa and then on to Kelowna for a couple of weeks.

So Wyona announced she was going to have her party – A Chinese New Year Party.

... whose house already has Chinese words
painted on the front room walls? ...

Answer:  Wyona
She made a second call to Betty January 5th, telling Betty that the party was the next day, at lunch, wear red, bring your mom and grandmother, and your siblings are invited, but only at your pleasure.

Betty always wants her brother and sister with her.

Wyona invited Kalina and Theresa to attend as well.

As well, all of the Pilling second-cousins were invited, but the timing was bad for them.

And that was the guest list fot the party initiated by "the two grandmothers", according to Betty.


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