Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A Slip, then a Fall

Kelvin was coming home with his groceries this week. The handibus driver carried them to the back door for him. But along the way, Kelvin slipped and did a face plant right on a raised brick on the path. When the two of them could see that the bleeding from his forehead was not going to stop, the handibus driver called an ambulance, so off to the Foothills Kelvin went to get some stitches right up by his hairline – the cut is in the shape of a scimitar.

Mary says this picture makes her sicker
than looking at Kelvin's actual wound.
One never knows what to do next in a situation like this.

Richard felt it was his duty to go over and spread salt on the path so that there wouldn’t be a second slip.

Also he took out his camera and took a picture of the spot where the face plant happened.

Only in our family would this seem like an important shot.



  1. I am simultaneously surprised and not surprised that you blogged this photo. I reacted by turning my head away from the image, but my eyes didn't follow the movement of my head. They were locked on the image, trying to make sense of what looks like a crime scene photo.

  2. I asked Kelvin if I could publish the photo. Not that he has an proprietary rights over the photo. Those belong to Richard. I have another photo of Kelvin -- this time one with just his forehead and the stitches in it. I had to hold back the desire to publish it as well. Putting it on the blog was just running the fine line of what would be appropriate and what would not be appropriate. I erred on the side of caution.

  3. i love and hate this photo. Kelvin, this one is even more gruesome than the one with the stitches!


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