Saturday, June 6, 2020

Wanting a goat for a pet

From Mary

Naomi has wanted a pet goat and she did a lot of research about how to get one. She found out who the person in Lethbridge is who is responsible for goats that come in and eat the weeds. Naomi sent them an email and never heard anything back. Now a few weeks ago, Leo discovered he has a a friend whose brother is goat herder doing this targeting weeding, so the brother connected the two of them.

Right now, the goats are just outside of Lethbridge in a preserve. We got to go to that park but when we got there it was afternoon resting time for the goats who were in the paddock. We climbed in to play with them, and then we got to go to the park and help get the goats get to places they haven’t grazed yet.

Two kid goats fell behind, so Trent, the goat herder, caught them, and then told the girls to run through the fields with these goats in their arms to catch them up to the herds.

There was a goat that would not leave me alone.  It got so in my face I could take the following photo of its eyeball.

I sent a note telling my good friend in Ottawa that Naomi has been wanting to do this for a long time. She replied with a note saying, only you and your family would randomly meet a goat herder and go out to help them. I thought, yes, what seems perfectly normal to me doesn’t happen to other people. We don’t have normal experiences, but we have great ones.


  1. That is so great! My Dad had brought 2 goats when I was young to graze and mow our lawn and my mom sent them back. but near the Icecream SHop that raises mini pet goats but you have to get 2 so they aren't lonely.

  2. When our family was young and my dad would come to visit, he would sometimes say to Kelvin, "Why don't you buy a goat?" I don't think Kelvin ever laughed, but I did. I didn't know you should buy 2 goats, but apparently your Richard McClung knew that. Today Richard Johnson mowed my lawn. "I left it a little late," he said. "Just about burned out the motor on my lawn mower." That made me laugh and the thought of buying a goat crossed my mind again.


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