Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Christmas for One: #2 Beautiful Fir Branches

I am cleaning up around the Christmas tree, sweeping up the needles, and wondering how to get water to the base of the tree.

I haven’t figured out the best way, so I fill my 12 cup Pyrex measuring cup with water and I get down low to pour the liquid in.

Low enough that I am down on the ground with my face horizontal to the floor. Of course, I still can’t quite see.

Fir branches keep flipping into my eyes and I wonder how I am going to keep watering this tree for the next 25 days.

I am not going to deprive the tree of water. 

I like to drink and the tree might like to do that as well.

I just take a chance and start to pour the water.

I am pretty sure I got half of the water in the Christmas tree stand and half on the floor around me.

That is what towels are made for.

Mopping up mistakes.



  1. Also... that is an amazing side table! Who made it? (besides the earth)

  2. The side table came from a trip Dave and I made to Churches Thrift Shop. I was looking for a 75" long table for Bonnie, but the thrift store shuts down those outside tents that have furniture in them, and only has the small electronics tent out during the winter.
    I saw the table and remembered that Wyona's dream is to make a few pieces of furniture like this. I thought about gathering the wood, making all of the pieces the right size, and pounding in the nails. I asked the clerk, "How much?" She said "$4." I asked her about a small box that one might keep magazines in, that was next to the table.

    She said "$3 for that one, or $5 for both pieces."

    I could hardly say no.

  3. The owl was a gift from Polly Steele at the library. She used it to decorate the tree in the library one year -- just one owl in the tree. I didn't know before that simplicity could be so spectacular. Even knowing tha, I am going to add to my tree some other fake-feathered creatures that I can pull from a Christmas decorations box.

  4. Doesn't matter if the tree gets water. If it dies - just go get another one and throw that one on the burn pile.

  5. Really - Its okay. Lurene's lot needs clearing but leave the rocks alone.

  6. I love this tree so much. The simlicity of the owl and nest is stunning.

  7. Thanks, Mary. I had no idea that an 80 year-old-adult would enjoy a tree so much. But that 80 year old is me. is me. When I walk by it a small smile crosses my lips. A curious combination of factors in the happiness: the tree grew in my yard; the time enjoying the tree inside has been longer than the set up time; no one has "bah humbugged"the tree or grieved the time it took to assemble it.

    All in all, a perfect tree. A perfect Xmas.


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