Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Snow Fort Begins to Melt

From Moiya:

We are staying at Arta's house while we are doing our part to help Dan and Marina -- who are still at the hospital with Reggie.  

His breathing needs oxygen during the night, so he hasn't been released from the hospital yet.  And Reggie's temperature occasionally spikes.

We get to watch Arta's grandchildren who are next door.

David said that the fort on your front lawn was smaller today.

We love that they built it over on their grandmother's lot!

We love how your children trek off to school together.

They go in between your house and their house to the fence.

There is a gate but they never open that gate.

They squeeze in-between their house and the fence where there is a gap between the house and the fence.

They go through that narrow gap with their great big backpacks.

Those children are going to be as tall as their parents one day very soon.

We are wondering if they will switch from squeezing in-between to JUMPING or Pole Vaulting over the fence.

So cute to watch these children!

And thanks for the great place to stay.




  1. This post was fun to read. I got many strong visuals of loved ones making their way way in the world. Thank you for posting the words and the photo. I wonder who chose horseshoes for the railing. I couldn't have dredged up that detail from memory, but when I looked at the photo I could feel my childhood hand running along those curves that ended with sharp edges.

  2. Now that is funny. Those horseshoes =- chosen by the first owners of the house, whose children's names were scratched into the cement pad in the backyard. "Lance" When I would look at it, I wished that all of the names of my children could have been memorialized that way. I wondered how you could have seen the horse shoes on the front railing, but then I enlarged the picture and there there were -- "U's" to my eye. U for university, the place I hoped you might all go for higher education. Some of you got it there. Some in other places.


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