Saturday, May 8, 2021

 #46   Loving the Birthday Party at Chisholm for Arta

Today we had a family meeting to decide how we would celebrate Arta's birthday.  Charise headed off to A&A Donair while Zoe and I headed off to DQ. Greg stayed home to deck the table. Thank you Arta for the most delicious birthday party.

A toast to Arta.
Greg chose a donair salad.
Wyona chose a chicken shawarma salad.
Need I tell you who chose chicken strips and fries!
And humous, strawberry and chocolate shakes, raspberry fudge bliss blizzard topped off with a fudge brownie blizzard.
Charise chose a beef donair. It was spicier than she thought. He nose ran while her eyes watered.
And these are just cheesecakes smothered in caramel sauce from old times back at the lake. A good time was had by all.
Happy Birthday Arta! As we sat down after the photos were taken Zoe started to sing happy birthday so we all joined in. Forgot to put Zoom on.

1 comment:

  1. We went to A&A Donair with you last time I was i town! I love that place. yum yum!


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