Sunday, June 13, 2021



They are powerful.  

"Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs." -Pearl Strachan Hurd

"Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble." -Yehuda Berg

Today, I post a few reflections on Words.

My mother, Arta loves games, all sorts.  She kind of sounds like Mary Poppins.  Whenever she comes to visit, she is always ready to join in the WORD GAME.  

Getting ready to play the word game. Here is our bowl of words.  

This game is a low budget game.  It requires scraps paper cut into small strips and pencils. To get started, the participants need to write words on the small strips of paper.  Single words, all sorts.  Some hard, some easy.  Some words that always make the family word bowl include - heretofore, nevertheless, Zamboni, the,  etc.  The words are put into a bowl to use during the game.  Divide into two teams.  Each team takes a turn to try and guess as many words from the bowl as they can.  The only rule is that you cannot say the word on the piece of paper.  You can use all the skills of your mind to try and get your team to guess the word.  You get one point per word you can make your team guess in one minute.  Play passes to the next team.  You can't pass any words, and you have to put back into the bowl any unguessed words.  The game goes on until all the words have been guessed.

We play this game every time Arta comes to visit.  It has been the source of much laugher and fun together.  

Eric struggling when his team can't guess the word he has pulled from the bowl.  Notice all the Lindor chocholate wrappers from the game.  Essential to this game is lots of treats.

Below is a photo from the last time we played this game with Arta.  Although the photo is a bit blurry, it holds a lot of memories.

What surprise word has Arta put into the word game this time? 
Put your favourite words into the comments

Arta, more than most, understands the importance and power of words. 

"No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world." -John Keating

Word and ideas change the world, as can people.  Thank you Arta for changing my world.  

I do not have the right words to explain how much I love you.  Words will never be enough.

1 comment:

  1. It is lovely that some person usually sticks their tongue out in a photo. Marcia was usually the person in our family who could not keep her tongue in her mouth.


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