Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 24, 2024 -- first morning at the lake

When I stepped out onto the cool wet deck with my bare feet and saw this cloud hovering over the lake, i knew I was in heaven.

Then down the path to visit my lovely stream.  Ferns and foxglove on the way.

Last little bit of unfurling underway.

And then the little waterfall...

And last but not least, the skunk cabbage landing.

From the skunk cabbage I heard Rebecca come out on to the deck wondering where I was (I had gone into her room to say good morning and when she was already on a call already, took off on my adventure).

So back up to the house for some visiting.  

Perfect start to the day.

Addendum  (still day one)

Found our first friend of the trip.  Naomi named him Julian.  She later took him with her on our adventure over the Janet and Glen's pottery haven then down to the beach.  They became fast friends.

At the beach:  Axel is on his phone on a video call with his girlfriend Erica showing her the property, so she's in the photo.  Also, see if you can spot Julian.

When Rebecca arrived 2 days ago she made a goal of getting in the water everyday for 30 mins.  So I decided to join the challenge.  According to the internet, the lake is about 14C right now. In case you're not sure.... that is cold.

Post swim.


  1. I've already been planning to go into the water several times a day. Very optimistic!!!!

  2. I don't think you could drag me into water that cold. Where is the wetsuit? Missing all of you and hoping you are having just a marvelous timee.

  3. Who goes swimming wearing fish earrings? Woah! Rebecca you are a star


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