Monday, August 19, 2024

Thimbleberry meets Raspberry

A picture says 1000 words, right?  

So here are some visual words capturing a bit of time spent with Betty and Rebecca in July, learning how to make thimbleberry leaf baskets, and then using them to harvest raspberries from the bushes out in front of Lot 3.   


first, choose a large leaf to transform to a basket

Betty with her basket completed

Next, the work of picking!
avoid adding crickets to your basket
Rebecca and Betty comparing their harvests

demontrating how big our baskets are compared to our heads

Betty practicing her 'show off' (aka evil genius)  face

Freshly picked raspberries are perfect no matter what you do with them.  That said..... smashed up and mixed with some whipping cream?  Decadence to the max!

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca, I love that you learned how to make thimbleberry baskets and are showing the newest generation. I can't believe we never knew how to do this when we were kids.


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