Christmas this year was a bit of a surprise.
What a wonderful year. I got 8 days of holidays. A straight week and a day. This is very uncharacteristic of our company and I thought that it'd be hard to stay away from work but I'm doing a great job of not worrying about work.
This is a photo of the kids making a "ginger bread dungeon". In dungeons and dragons fashion, instead of making a gingerbread house, the ginger bread is cut so that it can be made into a D&D map on the table. the icing sugar, jellies, and other candies weren't always used on the board. You can see that Alice used the frosting not only to glue parts together... this was the 23rd or the 24th.
On christmas morning, we opened lots of presents at 2423 before going down to Miranda's parents for present opening. this is a photo of alice opening the lava lamp. I'm enjoying a lavalamp being in her room while I put kids to bed.
Just me and Miranda