Saturday, December 8, 2012

Interview - Matiram Pun

We talk around the table as we eat -- everyone brings their own meal.  Today I made bread, and made the mistake of warming it a bit in the oven to give it a kick start.  I forgot I was to turn the oven off, and 30 minutes later there was the smell of country seed bread, which someone investigated, only to find it was the whole batch in the large pan, in the oven, toasting away.

We slipped  the 12" x 12" rounded loaf out of its pan, ate the tops, sides and bottoms, and put the as yet uncooked middle of the loaf back in the oven to toast for bread cubes.  Afterall, we reasoned, we are all scientest, doing experiments and I will need some crusty cubes for turkey dressing.  In the chatting that was going on while doing this Mati told me that there is an interview published about him.  He showed me where to read it.  Click here for Mati Pun's interview.  If clicking on that link fails, try
 If you are interested in knowing what happens in a failed attempt to make bread, the parts we ate were fantastic coated with butter and dripping with honey.

And the middle?  That is still baking and will be tasted in this year's Christmas turkey dressing.

While all of this was transpiring, Alex and Duncan phoned from Victoria, asking if we can have a candy Christmas.  They will be there on the 27th of December and they want to learn how to make nougats, caramels, fudge, candied popcorn, and poppycock.  Just this morning I declared to Bonnie Wyora that this would be a "no sweets" Christmas, since the Carter-Johnsons would be joining us.

She said, "Please don't make any rules, Arta."


The No Rule Grandma

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