Friday, June 7, 2013

The Audience

Photo: The Guardian
I am trying to find ways of hooking Duncan into next week’s NT Live Performance of The Audience.

I slipped out to read the Guardian Review, (and the one in the NY Times) at the very least, hoping to get a list of the Prime Ministers that are going to appear in the play: Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, a paranoid Gordon Brown, a tearful John Major, and the brilliant Harold Wilson being among some of the eight that are listed.

How am I going to hook Duncan into enjoying political characters he doesn’t know?

I figured out I had a problem when this morning when I offered to take him to a movie of his choosing, since he has the afternoon off.

 “Couldn’t I bring a friend with whom I have more in common than with you, no offense,” he asked me.

“Tell me more.”

“It is like this. If you hear something you, grandma say, that is rude. But my friend will say how awesome.”

I can see that is a big chasm for me to leap over to gain solidarity with him.


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