Friday, December 22, 2017

A & W - our trip

As of two days ago, Catie still had an A&W stocking stuffer coupon to use from last year’s Christmas.

She was going out to use it.

Before she left the house, we were discussing fast food places – who uses them, when, where and why.

I told her I have trouble doing what my friends do – going to a fast food joint, taking my computer and hanging out for the afternoon. She agreed with me. It is always take-out for her. So we did an experiment. We both took a book, walked to our local A&W, order a hamburger, fries and root beer in the classic mugs which are chilled to -15 degrees.

I think Catie and I are basically people watchers. We ate and listened in to the conversations at the tables around us. When those people had taken their leave, when our burgers were finished, and when we could see we still have a whole afternoon left ahead of us, we pulled out reading material – a new novel for her, Mormon Feminisim: Essential Writings for me. We gave ourselves a time limit of absolute attention to our books and we tried to relax.

Hard for a couple of people who are work oriented.

Fun though!


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