Thursday, May 3, 2018

Ready Player One

Ready Player One

Steve served us the most wonderful supper: asparagus and steak presented on ojr plates, artfully,   a delicious evening meal.

We talked over supper as to how the rest of the night was planned.

Steve has taped some excellent movies, classics that people might want to watch: The Big Lebowski, Breakfast at Tiffanies, and one Duncan and I watched with him a couple of days ago, Ben Hur. None of those movies appealed to the boys at the table.

 Rebecca wanted to play "Lords of Waterdeep", but no one was willing to join her.

 She suggest going to Ready Player One, but explained to me that I might not like it.  I couldn't believe that she wanted to go to a movie, anyway.  She explained that the rest of the family (meaning the boys, Steve and I) have been out to the movies a lot, and she has been home marking papers.  Tonight was her first night to break out and she was putting down her marking pen and finding some entertainment.  Again she told me that I would not like the movie she had chosen, but there it was -- she had read the book and was off to see the movie.

Thanking her for her warning, I decided to stay home and read. I am about five books behind.

A perfect option after a family meal that no one would have wanted to miss.  I was settling into finding books to lay out on the table so that I could find my top pick.  Rebecca and the boys went out the door.

 “Go with them, go with them,” Steve urged. I

 grabbed purse and listened in the car as Duncan tried to describe to all of us, what we were to expect in the show -- with no spoilers.  He hates those.

Curious, what appeals to people in films.

 I could stay awake for the show. That was a plus which sometimes doesn't happen to me in the opera.

I could follow the story line and knew the characters as they merged into the video game and then out again.

Nice, I thought, three layers, for there is also the layer of the film we are watching to begin with.

I like seeing the cartoon detail in the film, and watching a video game where I don’t have to be urged to hold the controller, nor worry about how many points I will be wracking up, nor about having the anxiety of not getting to another level.

I quite liked the film to roll on to the end, a satisfying moment – not because I was glad it was over, but because the plot got wrapped up and I could leave the theatre calm. I was wondering if David Camps-Johnson would like the film. I hope his mom takes him to it.

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