Thursday, May 9, 2019

Spring is late, oh so late

From Mary Johnson

You’ve probably heard about the terrible flooding happening in Gatineau/Ottawa.

On top of that, spring weather is late arriving here in the National Capital Region.

By this time we usually have beds of tulips blossoming all over the city and the trees are in full bloom providing fantastic photo backdrops.

But right now, the crocuses are barely up, and I have only one daffodil in my front yard that has opened.

These photos are from an impromptu shoot with Rhiannon and Xavier in Spring of 2018.

We had just been to the Doctor’s for routine check-ups and decided we had to pull over when we saw these trees.

They smelled delicious.

Can’t wait for spring 2019 to really take off here so that another impromptu photo shoot can happen.

These photos were taken exactly one year ago. I had to go back and look at them to remind myself that spring will arrive soon.


1 comment:

  1. Rhiannon, I really like those bell bottom Jean's. When I first saw your legs dangling from a branch, I thought it was a picture of Rebecca from the 70s.


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