Monday, July 22, 2019

What rhymes with style?

... a mess of a waffle, the cut side of something so delicious ...
For years we have played a game we learned from Viola Hudson, a good game for the car or at the kitchen table when the conversation lags.

The game goes, I am thinking of a word that rhymes with style. 

A person responds with a question like, is it something that a manicurist uses, and the the answer back from the first person would be, no, it is not file. 

And so the game continues.

... the initial cut ...
This morning Bonnie was taking a picture, mainly of Doral's waffle, but the fork was faster than the finding her camera and she only got a half eaten waffle -- a bit of a mess.

At least that was the second picture.

The first was a little better.

The answer?
Is it something you do when taking a photo?
Yes, the answer is smile.
Other joined Doral on the porch and trying to take a picture, Bonnie began with "I am thinking of something that rhymes with style.

Duncan said, "Is it bile?"

Doral replied, "How vile."

Bonnie said, "No, it's what you are supposed to do when posing for a photo!"

All she could capture was wild guffaws.


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