Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Midnight Visitor - Corrine McBride

Corrine McBride came to stay overnight.  I forgot to take a selfie with her.  I forgot to give her a necklace that Rebeca promised her.  And I forgot to put the jalapeno pepper into the scrambled eggs when I tried to make breakfast in the morning.  I just must have forgotten everything in the excitement of having her here.

We played one game of Azul together, since if I have to play a game, that is my game of choice.  But she told me that games are not really her thing.  So that took some pressure off of me.

In the end, a delight to have her here.  We had time to chat -- about her hobbies (one of which includes a dazzling array of coloured pencils.  Breath-taking actually.).  And we talked about the past -- remembering the Johnson's we knew with stories that delighted us.

There are two apocrophal stories in her family.  I think the first one is true.  Her dad, Keith McBride, had gone to a restaurant with a group of people.  They had ordered Chinese food.  The fried rice was so bad that Keith went into the back and showed the cook how fried rice should really be made.

I believe that story.

The second story is about Keith's guns.  Uncle Orvil had given Keith an old family gun that belonged to their grandfather.  Much later Orville asked for the gun back, but Keith said no, it had been a gift to him and he wasn't giving it back.  Now the part of the story that I will leave it to the reader to believe is that the gun was won in a shooting contest beween his grandfather and Wild Bill Hickock and his grandfather had won.  I don't care if the story is true or not.    I am just happy to see an old gun having such a fine provenance.


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