Thursday, June 18, 2020

What colour is the deck?

Rhiannon always loves doing the job that involves the pressure washer.  Back in Lethbridge a couple of weeks ago, she pressure washed all the flaking paint off our deck so we could re-paint it.  Here at the lake, she said she would pressure wash the deck.  So Bonnie went out a bought one (the old one was broken) and we went to work.  Yesterday we got half the deck done.  Today, we'll complete the job.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. The deck looks great. I know how much work that is. And I know how much fun it is to take the water and cipher my name into the deck. I usually do mine there as well and then feel a little badly when the deck is clean and my name is gone. Thanks, Rhiannon.


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