Monday, January 4, 2021

prints in the snow

I gathered together my cross-country ski equipment, for today I planned to have my first ski of 2021. 

I had a few questions, but figured I would need to answer them by just getting out the door and going for it.

Site of putting on skiis.

Would I recall how to attach  skiis  to boots? 

First ski on. 

Whoa ..! 

Note to self:  Put skiis on while neither facing up nor downhill. Easier to stay in one place.

Site of taking off skiis.

Would I recall how to duck walk, glide, snow plow, stop? 

Whoa! Crash. 


Note to self:  Great job remembering how to fall safely. Look up on YouTube how to get back up.

Would I be home before dark? 

Ski boot prints heading home.

Good choice to ski close to home.

Would I have fun?

Definitely. I'm so happy that I got outside in that clean BC air and got to see blue skies.

My ski site.
Would I over exert myself and then not want to ski again this year?


No aches and pains tonight.

In fact, I am ready for bigger challenge, and I will try skiing again this week.

Note to self:  Neighboring yards are probably the same difficulty level. You are ready for Larch Hills.


  1. Wow to the site of your ski experience. I really laughed when I recognized it as your back yard!


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