Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Frog Bread

Do you know what a group of frogs is called?  An army.  And here is the army of frogs I made with Rhiannon the other day.  They had seen frog buns on the "interweb" and had some ideas of how to make them.

So first I made the green bread dough. Then we rolled a "big" bun and attached two small balls at the top for eyes.  Rhiannon had seen someone use toothpicks to sort of blend the edges of the small balls onto the big ball so they would stick.

They also wanted to try braiding bread.

The results -- rising stage.

And after baking...

Don't forget to paint eyes and a mouth on them with melted chocolate.  This frog got heart-shaped eyes.


Rhiannon declared the results were perfect and they loved their army of frogs so much.  So much that we ate them.


  1. I'm hungry enough to eat an army of those buns.

  2. I have no words. I can't speak. I have a frog in my throat.

  3. We are a funny lot. I am drooling. Thanks for sharing and keep baking!


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