Friday, November 12, 2021

Another November day at the Lake

Another day at the lake, and I joined Steve and Penny on their morning walk.  I am pretty sure that having me along slows them down, since I am continually making them stop for me to take yet another photo.  I know, I know!  I have walked these paths a thousand times, but it just looks different in the fall! I have enjoyed walking around Arta's trying to get the sense of the house/land in this season.  

Standing at the railing of Arta's deck

This differences are visible standing on the deck at Arta's, looking down below. In the summertime, this view is a palette of greens that makes it difficult to distinguish where one plants ends and other begins.  In the fall, there is so much more differentiation! I have also been enjoying the leaves (and yes, I know Arta would be raking them if she were here, but I am voting for letting nature take its course this year!).

Looking in the opposite direction

Looking to the left off the deck, the leaves cover the stairs, leaving the railway tie steps looking like a ladder laid out on the ground.

If you are brave enough (that is, if you can take the risk of setting 'carsick' from my wobbly video skills), you can follow me on a walk down the steps!

I also love the view from the bottom of the hill back up at the house.  So unaccustomed to seeing it sitting on a bed of brown, rather than a bed of green!

Steve sees 'leaves to rake'.  I see 'leaves to leave'. 

One last apple on the tree David planted... still wet from the morning rain

Walking back up around the hill, I could hear the birds singing in the trees.  After (far too many hours?) playing online Wingspan, I am pretty sure I was enjoying the sounds of a chickadee.  

The leaves have turned, but the grass is green!

The big rock at the top of the stream is covered in moss.   I have been listening to Robin Wall Kimmerer's book "Gathering Moss" in audio form (she narrates it herself), and it has left me looking at moss with new eyes. 
a miniature forest, carpeting the rocks

At the top of the road, there is also magic in the sounds of the water tumbling over the rocks in the stream.   Again, I tried to capture it in video.  I can see I also captured a few drops of water on my camera lens! (


Finally, a handful of photos from that morning walk down Bernie Road, up to David and Shawna's, and back again.

The entry to Pilling's road

The willow tree down by where Primrose used to be pastured in the summers

I love all the different plants and trees in this shot

The view of Annis Bay looking to the west

Looking towards the narrows.  That sky!
A close up of a little cloud resting on Bastion mountain

Penny preparing for a post-run bath!

While Steve was giving Penny a bath, I tried capturing a few more videos from Arta's balcony.  The first clip traces the edge of a circle so you can catch the top of the trees, and the leaves below the deck). ( 

The second clip goes straight across to get the view out at the lake).  (

What I can't capture is the smell of the crisp and delicious.  
The world.  
A gift. 


  1. Thank for the quick trip to the lake. Homesick now.

  2. So grateful you spent Fall time at the lake. It is a season I look forward to experiencing there some day. I am also obsessed with moss after having started listening to gathering moss. Thanks again for all these photos. I felt I was there with you.


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