Monday, June 6, 2022


Betty was given two tickets to Coppelia the ballet after finishing her highland dance class.  Miranda asked if she should buy three more tickets and go as a family?  I say OF COURSE!!!  What fun! 

For some reason, I was very put out to see Kenny on the first page of the performance.  The creative director, I thought, talked about supporting the arts.  "The society without the arts, is like the human without a heart".  I did enjoy the opening words that were said.  

I also enjoyed the idea that they floated about "come to the arts, suggest to others, and even buy extra tickets and gift them to others".  I am not sure if my wallet will allow, but I did mention to Miranda that I think buying one extra ticket from now on is a spectacular idea.  We can always grab 'someone' to come with us.  


  1. Loved the report. When we were in Lethbridge and going to all the shows we could (pre-covid) I would always buy extra tickets and ask the teens to bring a friend. Of course, tickets were never that expensive as they were most often on the University campus and put on by students or community groups. The performances were always top notch though.

  2. What theatre is that? It is spectacular and just the perfect size for an intimate show. Loved seeing Alice check out the lobby display of tutus. What a great way to draw people into thinking about more than the dance or the acting -- the costuming, make-up, set design, lighting.... those are all arts in their own right.

  3. I think that this is the martha cohen theatre. It's beside the "secret theatre", kind of, sort of, by where the glenbow is. It's a great theater. Just south of the Olympic Plaza.


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