Sunday, December 29, 2024

This makes me cry, because it reminds me of Mrs S.

 I'm just sitting with Betty in the morning while everyone else sleeps in until noon.

I made her a sunny side up egg, and we're sitting here talking while I work on my consulting gig and she crafts a crafty craft gift from christmas.

Alice and Betty are very song focused these days.  "I know that song!  I know the name!  I know the artist".  

Memories by Maroon 5 came on.  Betty started telling me that she woke up at 4am because this song was on, and she couldn't get back to sleep.  WHAT KIND OF A STORY IS THIS@!!!!!!

She couldn't get back to bed because it reminds her of Mrs S, maybe her teacher from grade 3, or something.  

Don't forget, at one point your teachers meant so much to you, that you would cry thinking about the memory of them....  thats real.

Ok, and while i'm here, here's some christmas photos.  And here's some 'dinner with kelvin' photos.  and here's some photos of christmas morning at our house.  and here's some christmas at chris and joans house.  and here's some photos of alices production of beauty and the beast. and here's some photos of my christmas present to myself, an automatic hand soap dispencer.  andhere's some photos of the kids doing roller skating.  and here's a phone that a homeless person left in my car when they tore the insides out looking for change.  $10 in change, $300 in lost phone costs....  not a good deal for them.  The phone smells like a smokers face.


  1. Loved seeing all the photos, all the kids (hi Michael, Alice, Betty, Axel and Naomi!), and the great fleecy blankets and all the presents! a big WOW to those electic glow in the dark pride shoelaces! But come on... embedding all those Lea & Perrins boxes was just a little bit salty! :-)

  2. Loved wandering through you amazing life. Amazing and normal. Everything is normal here. Nothing to stop and look at here. Just move along. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.


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