Monday, July 2, 2012

bodhsavatta tara

The Buddhist Goddess, Tara
... her right hand in the gesture of giving ...
Rebecca takes her second last day in London to go to the British Museum.

She sends me an email with this pictures and reports to me, "The bodhsavatta tara is 54 of the history of the world in 100 objects."

I didn't know that the British Museum could tell you the history of the world in 100 objects.

What's there to do, when there is so much to learn in the world, and so little time in which to learn it?



  1. There is a cool museum in Toronto that covers the history of the world though shoes. Don't miss it. There are some wonderful distinctly Canadian shoes in the collection.

  2. I have no idea why this popped into my head, -- maybe because a museum that covers the history of shoes might not hold a pair like the ones my Grandmother Edna sometimes wore. When there were holes in the bottom of them, she would put a piece of cardboard in them and of course, that would be in shreds by time the day was over.

    They must have had some times when money was short ... and the need for self-respect was high. When home teachers would come to visit once a month, she would send one child to a neighbours to borrow a little sugar, another to a second neighbours to borrow a cup of milk, and the third child went to another home to get a few teaspoons of cocoa. Then she would make a cup of hot chocolate for each of the home teachers, so they didn't know the family was destitute. Ah yes, ... history ....

    So Bonnie, do tell, what would make a pair of shoes distinctly Canadian?


  3. See for images. I liked seeing shoes of Canadian writers (Margaret Atwood), singers (Sarah McLaughlin), politicians (Trudeau), activists (Terry Fox) ...


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