Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Photo of Roxene

Thank you Cathy for forwarding Roxene's obituary to me.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this wonderful picture of Roxene. I have lump in my throat. And I have this wonderful memory of her coming over to the two cabins. The old aunts were sitting at a picnic table along with some of the nieces, and she knew to come over, throw her legs over the bench and snuggle right in to hear the stories that were going on there.

    "What is going on over at Glen's", someone asked.

    "Oh, the men are sitting there watching T.V. and I thought there would be something interesting to do over here, instead."

    I don't remember what we talked about that day, but when she left I said to the person on my right, "Have you ever seen anyone so absolutely cute, genuine, fun, and able to instantly make a place for herself in your heart. What just happened there? Easy to fall in love with that personality of hers in an instant -- and all of that physical beauty is hers besides. She is overloaded with gifts."

    That must be the reason that the lump is so big in my throat as I write this.



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