Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Mommy-Son Event

I didn't get interested in hunting until a few years ago.
Remember when they used to have a Daddy-Daughter date at church functions. The church didn’t run a Mommy-Son event in those days, though Richard and I had one this morning. I went out to watch him take the skin off of the deer.

It was about 7 am. Richard knew I was up. If he can see lights on in my basement from his house, he knows I am awake. He was going to skin the deer, and if I wanted some pictures, now would be the time, he said. I put aside the tasks I was doing and went outside with him. As I saw him cutting the fur away from the meat and then tugging on it in a downwards motion, I wondered if I could take my first video. Nothing like pushing that little red button for the first time. Luckily I don’t know how to do put it up on the blog correctly.

Bonnie called me to say that she could hardly get through the blog post – not much of the Christmas season in it, and wondered whatever it was that he and I were thinking – having an event like that. She said Richard didn’t look very happy in any of the pictures. The pictures are lying. He was happy. He was telling me how he vacuum packs the meat, how he waits to take it to the butcher until hunting season is over and that then the butcher has time to take care of the meat. He talked about the spaghetti meals that they will have this fall with the meat, and about the tasty sausages that will be turned out by the butcher for them.

You are actually going to video this?
As I watched him at work, I wondered where Richard had acquired his skinning technique. From his father-in- I asked.

He said yes, at first, and then he watched some u tube demos and later someone gave him a skinning video for Christmas. “I guess that is one video that you won’t be putting back in the Christmas gave to recycle,” I commented.

He laughed. Yes, it is still precious to him. No one will find Richard's copy in the present game this Christmas.


1 comment:

  1. You are such a wonderful writer. I have made myself to return to this blog topic so I can savour every word and learn to enjoy the visual presentation of the imagery.


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