Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dumpster Diving Apple Streusel Delight

The finished product:    2   8x13 inch pans of streusel
One of the men who lives here knows the politics of dumpster diving – getting food from dumpsters at the back of grocery stores. Apparently a group of hippies in central Canada have made a stir in the media, doing this. Last night, this roomer and three others stopped by the back of a grocery story on their way home from having a beer and hit pay dirt. They transported apples, oranges, lettuce, fresh oregano, grapefruits, green beans, Chinese cabbage, lemons, limes and bok choy to their own fridges. No one could have been happier than they were and I don’t think it was just the beer. Two of them showed me that they have enough food to fill their fridges, and overflowing. The food is even more miraculous because it was being thrown away.

... someone else got the first piece ...
“My sister would be horrified if she knew I had done this,” one of them said. “But I think it is great.”

I came upstairs in the afternoon because I had seen a beautiful black pear left on the table in a dish besides which was a note, “Eat me”. But the pear was gone and now to be found in the silver pot being stirred with apple streusel filling.

... a piece for Kelvin ...
On seeing the result later in the evening, and enjoying the warm fruited smell in the kitchen I said, “Your mother did a good job at teaching you how to do this.”

“Nope. She told me I couldn’t do it. That it was too hard. But I tried it anyway. I am not very obedient. When she saw me, she probably helped me a bit through the first time and maybe the second, but now it is easy for me. The only hard part is getting the dough thin enough and I can do that when I try.”

... and a piece for Arta ...
“The dough?”, I said.

“Yes, I am just waiting for it to be ready”, and he reached the pan down from above my fridge to show me. The men have discovered a spot above the fridge that is the perfect warming place for anything with yeast in it.

I never know what I will learn next from these guys. Who knows what mission they will be on next, now that exams are over.

Oh yes, yum to their finished product.


1 comment:

  1. When I get back to Calgary I would like some of the finished product to be dumped off at my house.


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