Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Moms take to the trails

We welcome you to Larch Hills Cross Country Ski Trails

David -- "his choice -- a coat with a lime green sleeve"
I asked my coworker Anita to stand beside me by the welcome sign after we skied with our children. She asked why. I answered, "I need proof I was really here."

I think we went ...

  • up Metford Road
  • left on Skyview
  • then down Roller Coaster (which David insisted on referring to as Roller Toaster)
  • and finally back via Chalet

It appears to be a loop approximately 1 Km long. This was my biggest workout in five years. I had to give up all thoughts of parenting/protecting my son, and put all my focus on my own safety. Just staying on my feet was a feat in and of itself. David tells me all of my wipe-outs were hilarious.

One thing I learned was it feels better to wipe out to the side of the trail in the powdered snow, but it is also harder to stand back up when your arms sink down up to your shoulders in the powder.

... a day to remember ...
David's school class has a ski trip on Thursday. I signed up as a parent volunteer before realizing my level of skill. So, today I went back to the ski hill on my own to get more confidence on my skis. This time my route was

  • Larch Hills Road to Gullen's Gully ...
  • And then right back down the same road.

I think it was only another 1 Km route, but enough to know my confidence is getting stronger. I found myself looking over to the left through the trees on the climb up hill. I went the route I had gone with David's Level I class the last two weeks. To my surprise, at the edge of the path there is a drop similar to one you might see driving through the pass on your way to the Lake. My heart skipped a beat. I turned back to look straight ahead and wondered what new things I will discover on my next ski run. The view is truly spectacular.


  1. Go Bonnie go! Well done for getting out and skiing. I love cross country skiing, at least I did the one time I tired it... I keep wanting to go again but it never seems to work out.
    Wow, I would have been pretty nervous seeing such a sharp incline so close to where you're skiing. Just remember not to fall in that direction. Also remember WYLIWYG (pronounced willy-wig); Where You Look Is Where You Go.

    1. I love the acronym WYLIWYG (wlly-wig). It's true not just on the ski hills. Thanks, Stacey.

  2. Replies
    1. How can it be 5.5 years since I wrote this post?


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