Friday, August 18, 2017

Bear Spottings

Arta, Tonia, Arta ... taking a break on the walk
We have a sign that is posted when there is the spotting of a bear. I didn’t really see a bear. Just its aftermath, my black compost bin swatted from its usually space and now lying on its side, the compost somewhat smaller so there must have been quite a feast in it.

I was going to take a close look at the apple tree on Lot 4 but I could see the apples from the road this morning, so the bear must be saving those for another day. Tonia joined us on our 8 am walk. She is the one who spotted the small snake going across the road.

In another world I would have rushed down to grab it so that I could show it to someone, but Rebecca and Tonia would not have been impressed enough to make my effort worthwhile.

... some pendants fire and are broken ...
As usual our small talk shifted from last night’s Caravan Farm Theatre Performance of "The Ballad of Weedy Peetstraw", their 39th performance, and a chance to do some soul searching. Then talk on the walk moved to the number of pies Aunt Erva could make in a day, the hope for cooperative labour, who is having visitors for the Roots and Blue’s Festival (Carlie’s parents at the Pilling’s, Moana Rasmussen’s family at the Wood’s, Lurene is coming back out, Tonia is hosting people), and how the firing of the ceramics is going.

Not good news news on that front. Lots of the rocks on Rebecca’s pendants shattered under the heat.

Moiya and Dave are going down to Washington to see if they can catch part of the eclipse in a few days. Walks are a perfect chance to catch up on community chatter.

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