Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Wire Jewellery

I am putting up this youtube site for Ceilidh.  She and I have been making wire jewellry all summer.  
The charm of the youtube above is that the person showing how to do the wire wrapping cuts himself, but continues on with the video, bloody hands and all.

So to make wire jewellery:
1. gather good rocks from the beach
2. watch lots of videos on how to wrap rocks and make them into pendants
3. practise, practise, practise
4. invite over cousins and let them pick the pendant of their choice
A good summer holiday!


  1. Here is another possibility, Ceilidh, using macrame!

  2. I went out to look at how to wrap a stone with macrame. Now I have another technique to use on the beach stones. Come back soon, Ceilidh. I need somewhere here who both collects and wraps stones.


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