Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Brooks Family Comes to Dinner

LtoR: Alice, Leo and Xavier
Saturday, Mary and Leo brought their family up to see matinee for Dear Evan Hansen and then they came over for supper.

Richard put some of his garlic deer sausages in the slow cooker and Mary brought buns and chips.

That made the meal pretty easy for me. I didn’t have to do anything.

... this part of the table is mine alone ...
Naomi brought her friend, Riley, along as well, so there were 13 of us, including Kelve whom they picked up on their way back from the Jubilee Auditorium.

We couldn’t decide if it would be better to meet at Richard ‘s and Miranda’s house or at mine.

They have more space.

I have more dishes.
Mary delivering food to the table.
Food?  That would be chips.
I love having everyone crowd around the table and the island.

I like the multiple conversations that go on, that buzz that is more than white noise, and more than the number of conversations that anyone can keep track of.

I did hear a small silence when Michael announced that he had just found out that his Grandmother gets up in the middle of the night and eats ice-cream and that is why there isn’t always the same amount of ice-cream in my freezer as when they left it there the night before.

LtoR: Kelvin, Riley, Naomi
I was stunned that he has been keeping track of the level in all of the 2 litre tubs I have in the freezer.

After the silence, Leo said, “So that is where Mary gets it from.”

Rhiannon teaching  Betty and Michael
to use their stemware  with an evil
finger pointing off to the side.


  1. LOL - Busted by your grandson! Ria

  2. I was curious about where Michael got the idea that I am getting up in the middle of the night to do this ice-cream run. He goes to bed about 8 pm. So he is right, I am eating this about 10:30 pm or 11 pm which for him would be getting up in the middle of the night.

    But me? I am just thinking at that time of night that one more bowl of ice-cream will make my aches and pains disappear.

    And I am right. It does.

    1. For me too!!! I don't know why my doctor hasn't written me a prescription for it

  3. David is the tracker if the treats in our home, Michael, and there is only one culprit at my home to point a finger at when treats go missing.


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