Friday, July 24, 2020

Just add bees wax

Rebecca paid Michael to gather daisy heads.

She wanted to make a local salve that will heal bruises.

The recipe?  See below... but in brief, soak daisies in oil for two weeks, turning them ever day.  When the oil is sufficiently infused with product from the daisy flowers, add it to beeswax (along with lavender oil)

Now getting the recipe out of the way, I turn to Michael, contracting some of the work.
... daisy oil in the making ...

Whatever he was paid, he let the money trickle down to others who had helped him.

Rebecca took half of the daisy batch home and half is left here, for Miranda and Michael to finish off.

Always a new recipe going in this kitchen!

Addendum from Rebecca

Here is the recipe, from Rhona Bowe (Chase, BC)

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