Thursday, December 17, 2020

Missing the Jarvis House at Christmas -- Making Gingerbread Houses

 I asked Rhiannon what they'd like to do to get into the Holiday spirit.  They said, "I miss Aunt Cathy and my cousisn.  Can we make gingerbread houses."

This is something we've done many years at Cathy's in Montreal. And when I say "we" I mean Cathy makes all the gingerbread and pre-assembles it so the cousins just get to sit down and decorate.

And so, I started making the ginger bread pieces. 

I made enough for three small houses -- one for each kid in my house.

Then I was going to make a big house for Leo and I to decorate.  But Rhiannon wanted to be the architect and construction worker for the big one -- which they decided needed a lobby area and stainglass windows.

Nest Step: Assembly.  Harder than it looks. This is the point where the kids all agreed that it was way easier doing gingerbread houses at Aunty Cathy's -- pre-assembled.

Now take a close look at the first photo and tell me what is missing in the next photo

Wait for it, wait for it...  if you guessed the door, you are right!!  Now can you guess where the door ended up?

Even though I had pushed all the houses into the middle of the table so the dogs couldn't reach them, Gryphon still managed to get his paws on the table, use his extenda-neck, and reach that door with his tongue and manouver it off the table.  

Lucky beagle.

Stay tuned for Part II -- decorating.

1 comment:

  1. Wow to so much in this post.

    I was afraid that soon the large cathedral would have flying buttresses if you kept going.

    I stayed a long time on each picture except the dog ones.

    The stained glass windows are so fabulous.

    Thank you for the picture essay.

    Could almost smell the gingerbread.


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