Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Johnson Snow Fort



  1. This was a serious feat. Congratulations to all the Johnson family on this amazing project. I hear you can even light a fire inside of it.

  2. I didn't get all of the photos up. I can see Grandpa Chris's red coat in one of these that did make it to the blog. Another picture had Miranda under a tree, and the branches of it had caught her knitted toque and were pulling it off. I didn't think she would want that one up. I saw Grandma Joan in another of the pics and she was working so hard to make those snow blocks. And I was so surprised to see that a wheelbarrow was used. I have never thought of that as an instrument to transport snow. I would like to be there when fire is lit. Are you going to go out and do that in the next big snow storm?


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