Thursday, February 2, 2023

Branton Jr. High - Open House

 Feb 2, 2023.

SPB and Branton both had open houses on the thursday night before a PD day.  Same night, same time, so there was going to be no opportunity to check out both Jr. High Schools that Michael could go into.

I left work and got home in time to 'walk' to school.  I wanted to normalize walking to Branton because that's going to be the normal for Michael.  We walked straight east, around the Sherwoods house, and across that intersection.  That intersection has an excellent pedestrian light.  One of those pedestrian lights that almost cause seizures.  So I'm confident that it'll be the safest route across 24th Ave.  It's become quite a mess in regards to traffic.

We got there about ten minutes before the presentation began.  It was hard not to think about all of the changes that I wasn't expecting.  I missed the volleyball posters on the walls and I was very distracted by the 'white and green'.  Branton is no longer pee yellow and booger green.  It's now a forest green and white.  TheBranton Tiger is now a snow tiger.

The presentation began, and we learned that there is a Dungeons and Dragons club.  Also of note was a cookie making class and that the sports team is quite good.  I can't remember which years the trips happen, but there is a long quebec trip, $2800 one year.  There is the 'west coast sailing' trip one year, $2800, and there is an exchange with families in belgium or... somewhere in france.

At the beginning of the presentation we were serenaded by the grade 7 band class.  It is amazing how confident kids in grade 7 who have only been playing an instrument for 4 months can be.  Also very encouraging to know and remember that we can all start somewhere.

After the presentation, we toured the school.  We went clockwise starting in the construction and wood working class room.  I remember there being a dark room, but I dont suppose it was still a dark room.  The projects seem to be centered around strongest/tallest tower made of sticks.  But I did see one project that was familiar.  Mine was a pig though, and not a fish.

After the construction room into the home ec room.  Everything has different names through.  It wasn't cooking & baking like I remember.  They had tables and tables of cookies going.  Michael was very interested in this class.

Here's a photo of down the hallway.  I'm sure that we all remember the look of these hallways.

We also stopped in the 'fashion and design' class.  I'm sure that Miranda would be jealous of two dozen sowing machines and walls covered in knitting and crocheting.

Michael kept asking for the library, and we finally got to the back of the loop where the library is.  Everything is slightly different but also very the same.

Then into the science room.  Enjoy the disected from on the shelf.  Delicious.

There were three kids doing 3d Printing in the hallways just past the library.  Michael was very interested in that aspect of jr high as well.

Finally, by the principals office they had a bake sale going to raise money for the quiebec trip, or another of the school events.

Lastly a nice photo of the doors to the gymnasium.

1994-1995.  A good year for graduating.  Unfortunately they chose to put 1994-1995 graduates above the boys washroom... smelly.

We just barely had time to run downstairs.  It's still open.  I asked the assistant principal and he said 'yes, they still do lunch down here, but no served lunch... only tables for bag lunches'.

Of course, we all know about the worm, but it's not open.  Closed to everyone.  Michaels eyes say it all.

Trells graduating year.  1979.  No photos of anyone on the walls except for me.  Sad.

1982, Dorals graduating year.

1985, Kevin Johnson.  Did they mean Kelvin?

We left without me getting a chance to really look for everyones name.  But the photos on the wall stop 5 years before my graduating year.  So I think Mary's year is the first one that is no longer on the walls.  

Thats it!

Michaels Report.
-I liked the bake sale and the free cookies.

-The graphics design was neat.

-I thought the break out room was funny. a room to go if you're sad or worried or want to talk or need a quiet place to work.

-I liked the library.  it wasn't way bigger than our capital hill elementary library though... sadly.
