Sunday, September 8, 2019

Checking in on Betty

I do like to see Betty when the other kids are at school. I went over to sing with her a few days ago. She sat on the chair beside me for less than a minute, and soon she was roaming in the halls or playing house in the kitchen with one of her dolls. I just pretend that she is ignoring me and continue to sing, repeating the words and the melody as though she is sitting right beside me. Soon she is filling in words that I am leaving out and then she will come back to sing the song one final time with me. Ahe is good at that performance so I am going to judge the singing time as a win.

I did check in on Miranda to ask a technical question on another morning and Betty was alone upstairs.

She was snuggled into a comfy chair and watching cartoons. She had the large container of brown sugar by her side, and a ¼ cup measuring utensil, scooping sugar out of the acrylic jar and tossing it down her throat as though it were a chaser.

I asked her where her mom was and if she was she allowed to eat brown sugar like that.

“My mom is downstairs,” but by that time Miranda was upstairs saying to Betty, “I told you, you can’t eat sugar like that.”

“But it is your fault for not putting it back far enough on the counter,” Betty replied, handing the large container of sugar back to her mother.

Well, not really handing it over. More like, having it taken away from her.


  1. Like Betty, I do love the taste of brown sugar. I also like putting the blame squarely with others. I'm still working on both the self-control and the acceptance of my part in such moments. Mmmm. Brown sugar.

  2. I hear a rolling stones song coming on?

  3. Thanks for the link. I didn't know that song. I had to look up the lyrics and read along while I listened to the music. Not a song I am ready to teach Betty.


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